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How Can You Migrate to Australia with LMT Work Permit?

Labour Market Testing (LMT) is a type of application requirement for all Temporary Skill Shortage subclass 482 Nominations.

Given the timeframes and costs associated with Nominations, LMT is an essential component that must meet very specific requirements for TSS visa applications.

Without proper LMT evidence, a TSS visa application can fail, costing businesses essential time and money.

Essential requirements for LMT:

  • Evidence of at least two (2) separate complete advertisements
  • Advertised in Australia, in English.
  • On a recruitment website with national reach (for example,, Seek, Jora, Indeed)
  • If you are an Accredited sponsor – on the approved sponsor’s website

The Australian market needs skilled workers to satisfy the current offer.

Given the labor shortage, many Australian businesses need to look at overseas workers to find the people they need to cover existing roles and secure new projects.

The employers willing to employ an overseas worker must apply for a sponsorship. There are precise requirements to satisfy and not all the employers are eligible to sponsor, nor all the employees can be sponsored.

But what does getting a sponsor mean?

The sponsor is an employer offering a contract to an overseas employee. This type of visa, most commonly known as VISA 457, VISA 187 or Employer Sponsored Visa, grants the future employee the full right to live and work in Australia, under certain conditions attached to it.

According to the situation, our Registered Migration Agent evaluates the whole scenario and addresses your case, advising the right visa you may qualify for.

TSS visa 482: This is the most common Australia visa used to employ temporary overseas skilled workers in Australia up to four years. It involves a three-step application process:

1. The employer’s sponsorship application needs to be lodged;
2. Once approved as a sponsor, the employer is required to identify the position to be filled and the skills and experience required for the position by nominating an occupation from the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) and a Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL).
3. The employee can then apply for a sponsored visa.

Australia LMT work permit

You can apply for this Australian visa at the same time your employer lodges their applications to sponsor and nominate you.

Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa 187: This subclass allows employers in regional Australia to fill full-time, permanent skilled positions they are unable to cover through local workers. The application lodgment follows a three-step process, involving other governmental entities:

1. The employer must apply for certification of a nominated position with a Regional Certifying Body (this is not required under the temporary residency transition stream);
2. Once certified, the employer lodges the nominated position with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
3. The employee can apply for an Australian visa to work in the country.

Skilled migration to Australia

Employer Nomination Scheme visa 186: This sponsor visa allows Australian employers to sponsor highly skilled foreign employees for a permanent visa to work in Australia.

Employees can be overseas or temporarily resident in Australia. It involves a two-step process under the Direct Stream:

1. Employer nominates a position included in the Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL).
2. Once the position has been approved, the employee can apply for a permanent visa to work in Australia.

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